Saturday, September 5, 2009

Markets today

Woke up at 4 so that I could be out the door before 5 to head to Bangkok for Meow's meeting thing. Had to sit through 5 hours of people speaking and me not understanding, but I didn't complain because I know how important it was that we were there. After that, I was starving from not eating breakfast (they don't eat breakfast here so it's not a problem for them, but it is for me) but we still had to go an hour to the market and then find somewhere to eat. I made it, but I didn't like what we were having so I ate a lot of the pork thing and noodles. After that we walked around and stopped and ate some of the market food. I ate Guava (I love that stuff!!!) and the others ate shrimp and oranges. After that we walked around and I got to see the floating markets. They said it was the largest floating market in Thailand, so that was cool. We had a group photo taken and my host dad gave it to me, so that was really nice. He also bought me a really cool key chain and so did Peach, which was very sweet of them. On the ride back we watched some sort of horror film that I hated, hope I don't have nightmares from it! I couldn't stop watching though, because I wanted to know what was going to happen next, stupid movie! Got home and watched Wedding Date and now I am waiting for dinner. I plan on calling Great Grandma tonight, but if she isn't there I will get up early and call. Tomorrow I'm home all day, so I'll probably get through another book. Going to ask Meow to look for the last Twilight in English tomorrow when she is in Bangkok since she has to go to a book store anyway. Hope she finds it, I really want to know how things end, the suspense is going to drive me insane!

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