I should probably explain that, but just thought I’d throw it out there for starters.
Last night was the first night in two weeks that I slept through the whole night and I didn’t even take a melatonin! I woke up and got ready, I was even ahead of schedule this morning and had time to read! For breakfast we had some leftovers from last night’s dinner and they all had some eggs too. After breakfast we headed to school. On the way to school we stopped at a bus stop because my host mom’s mom was there and so we picked her up to take her wherever it was she was going. We then took a detour to school and stopped at a stationary store so that Meow could get her books for school, which she didn’t find, but I found some notecards there so I was very happy.
We arrived at school 10 minutes late for the ceremony. I went to the English Corner and read and talked with Peach while I waited for the ceremony to end and for the girls to come and get me for class. The first class was Social Studies and I didn’t pay any attention to what was going on because I was making flash cards, I know I should have waited until free time but I was excited and wanted to get going! After Social Studies we had English which was really funny because the English wasn’t always right and some of the things the teacher was telling them were off (she was a Thai teacher not a foreign teacher). After English they had Chinese so I went to the English corner to wait for lunch. I was really hungry so I went to the Cafeteria and got some fruit and a donut and sat and talked with some girls from one of my classes. After that I went back to the English Corner to wait for lunch.
At lunch I went to one place and they had nothing left so I went and stood in line at another place and they had nothing left so I went to a third place and they had plenty left, why I didn’t go there first I don’t know, wasted a ton of time! I got some noodles and pork but didn’t realize it was spicy until I started eating it. I didn’t have any water which was the main problem. I ate almost all of it but couldn’t finish because my lips were burning, had I had some water I probably could have finished it but we were sitting on the other side of the cafeteria far from the water lady! When I returned my dished I got some water and some ice cream and my lips quickly went back to normal. We sat around and ate some candy and talked before they headed off to their class.
They came back from PE early. They were all red and sweaty because they had to run 3 Kilometers in under 13 minutes! I said that there was no way I was joining their PE class because they said that today was only the beginning! We sat and talked and I worked on more flashcards. When the bell rang we didn’t move, so we ended up being late for religion. In religion they had a practice quiz and some notes then they had a little bowing thing to Buddha and then we were released early. They went off to take a Chinese quiz and I went to the English Corner to hang out with Peach. Gayoon came back for a little while and she said that tomorrow I am going with her to hang out with 70 AFS students and make some dessert thing in the morning, so I’m excited.
At the end of the day I had to do a quick practice with my group from English for a play we are performing tomorrow. Meow left and went somewhere. I was done at 4:20 but I didn’t know where Meow was so I had to sit and wait. At 4:40 Gayoon came and talked to me and we put together my schedule for the semester (this is a permanent one so I shouldn’t have to worry about sitting around bored anymore). She left at 5 and only one of the secretaries was left and she was packing up. At 5:15 I got kicked out of the English Corner and I still didn’t know where Meow was so the secretary called her. At 5:35 my host mom came and picked me up! We then went and ran a few errands and picked up one of the books Meow needs for school. After that we came home, it was about 6:30.
My host mom asked me to help make dinner and Meow was in charge. She told me to cut some lettuce so I did and she said it wasn’t right so I cut it differently (she was being picky!). After that she didn’t know what I should do so she had me set the table. Then her and her mom switched jobs and she went to run the store. I had nothing to do so I sat there. At one point they switched back and Meow was trying to make the dinner. My host mom came running into the kitchen saying something in Thai because Meow wasn’t doing it right and so was going to ruin dinner. After that my host mom cooked the meal. She had me bring the bowls back into the kitchen so she could put the food on them. Then we ate. Mike took a few bites then left, he said it wasn’t good. I ate all of mine except the tofu. I really liked it (we had Pad Thai). After the main part I had some fruit and realized how finicky Meow really is. She wouldn’t eat any part of an apple if a seed or any dirt had touched it, she had to cut it away! She is so weird when it comes to food, I don’t know how she eats anything, she is going to die next year in America!
By the time we finished dinner and cleared the table it was 8:05 so I read a little before coming on the computer. Now I’m finishing the computer and then going over my flashcards then heading to bed.
Before I go I should explain my prediction. My schedule is as follows:
Monday: Math (Thai), Free, English, Free, Lunch, Thai (Junior Thai like we have English!), Botany (Thai)
Tuesday: Science (Thai), English, Thai (personal lesson), Lunch, Cooking (Thai), Thai Dancing (Thai)
Wednesday: Social Studies (Thai), Thai Music (Thai), Computers (Thai), English, Lunch, Social Studies (Thai), Health (Thai), Thai (personal lesson)
Thursday: Social Studies (Thai), English, Social Studies (Thai), English, Lunch, PE, Social Studies (Thai)
Friday: Thai (2 periods of Junior Thai!!), Social Studies (Thai), Computers (Thai), Lunch, English, Social Studies (Thai), Thai (personal lesson)
I again predict my death for the end of next week!
The difference between me and a Thai, even one who won't go in the sun and bleached their skin! It's really pathetic that I'm this white after almost 3 months of sun!
The fruit from last night
Pad Thai before it is mixed
Pad Thai after it's mixed
My nightly plate of fruit that I eat more than 1/2 of by myself!
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