Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday November 15th, 2009

Today was a highly unmotivated day. I mainly read and did nothing. I got the Christmas package ready to mail out tomorrow and I read. I played tennis for a while with Meow and Mike and I talked to home for a while this morning.

There was no breakfast this morning so by lunch I was starving. When I started to eat lunch I realized it had been 23 hours since I had eaten last, no wonder I was hungry!

Tennis was fun but I sweat a lot! The bugs were really bad. As soon as we stepped onto the court the mosquitoes started attacking us. Someone had left some bug repellent on the court so we used that, but they still ate me! On the way to play tennis we bought some potato like snack thing and the other two were arguing about them. Sometimes I am glad I don’t understand Thai because then I don’t have to listen to their stupid arguments or get involved.

So right next to the tennis court there is a building that is kind of like a concession. Well there was a lady there today and Meow said that she lives there because she is homeless. It was not a good place for her to live and I felt sorry for her.

The bottom of our driveway had a huge dip to the road so they fixed it today. Whatever they used smelled like manure and it made everything around smell like it too. I could smell it in my room and it was not pleasant!

Well tonight I want to load some pics onto my computer and finish up my last piece for the box. If I get the chance I will add some pics to Facebook. I am not motivated to do anything today so we’ll see. I wanted to work on my homework today but that didn’t happen, maybe tomorrow will be better!

Well that was my boring day. Maybe tomorrow will be more interesting to read but I doubt it!


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