Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Weekend

Over the weekend I went to the palace on the hill! You cannot drive up there so you must climb and it was the most difficult thing I've had to do in a long time if not ever! The path is very uneven and very hard to manage because it is always twisting and turning and going up and then down and it is very steep! I can't believe that I made it all the way up and then all the way down! I drank 3 bottles of water and was still thirsty! I was sweating so much that my clothes were soaked and so was my bag! It was not even hot outside, so I can hardly imagine doing that in their summer!!!

The palace was beautiful, but I could only take picture of the outside because they don't let you take pictures of the inside here! Of the temples and palaces that I have been to I have only been able to take pictures in one, and I don't even know if that was aloud!

After the palace we went to eat. Their restaurants are nothing like ours! If we had anything like theirs it would be shut down in a matter of days by the health department! The meat was good, but the other things that they ordered were spicy so I really didn't eat that much, but I drank several glasses of water! When we had finished eating we ran some errands and then went back to the house! I read until 6 and then made dinner! Meow helped me because I could not find everything in the kitchen! It was interesting with the tuna, but it was ok! It could have used some more garlic, but I was afraid of putting in too much so I didn't put in enough! After dinner we were going to watch a movie, but they couldn't get the TV set up in time (they moved it upstairs for more convienence). I talked with Grandma for a while and then I went to bed!

Sunday I didn't do much. I read until 11 when I finished my book and then I ate some oreos. After eating the oreos I killed a ton of ants in my room and then went and watched National Treasurer 2 with Meow. After that I wrote my letters to put in the package to send home! Around 5 we ate dinner, which was the leftovers from the night before, which were cold because they do not have a microwave. After that I finished writing my letters, and then watched the end of the Prince and Me 2 and then read the children's books that mom sent me with Meow and Mike to help their pronunciation. After that I went and sat in Kun Ma's shop and we worked on Thai until I was so confused that I had to stop for the night! I talked with mom and dad for a while on MSN and then called it a night!

Today I mailed my package to home and then came to school. We were late so we had to stand in a special area instead of with everyone else, but we were not the only ones who were late so it wasn't that big a deal. I am now in the English lab waiting for second period when I have Rhythm which is some sort of gym class! I have nothing third period and then I have some English fourth and then I am done for the day! I asked Meow if I could go to some of her classes with her this afternoon since I had so much free time and didn't want to just sit around and do nothing. She told me that I should go with Peach, so I will have to talk to Peach when I see her I guess!

I hope that I can find the correct buildings in order to get to my classes! There are so many buildings and I don't know which is which, so I am going to get completely lost! Oh well, maybe some one will take pity on me and help me out! I'll let you know how things turn out and what the heck Rhythm is!


  1. Did you find it - your rhythm class, I mean? Hey, when you were drinking the water, did you use your purifier? If not, I hope that's not why you were feeling ill!

  2. It took a little while and some help, I had to go back to the English room and get one of the teachers to take me to it, but I figured it out! I was late, but it isn't a big deal here to be late so it was ok. I have not been using the purifier because they have some sort of filtered water that they drink and otherwise I drink bottled! Do you think I should use the purifier on the water that they drink?
